Vets Work With Animals and People

Does Your Dog Have A Growth? What To Know And Do

If you are a dog owner, you know your dog and their body well, and if you notice something off like a strange growth on their body, you may be understandably concerned. There are steps that you can, and should, take when your dog has a strange growth on their body. Get to know some of the steps to take so that you can be sure you are doing what is best for your dog and their health.

Monitor the Growth for Changes

One of the first steps you will want to take when you notice a growth on your dog is to monitor it for any changes. Sometimes, dogs just get fatty tumors known as lipomas which are benign and not a problem.

However, if the growth is changing rapidly and growing larger or is changing in shape and consistency, you may have an issue on your hands that needs to be dealt with. If not, you may not need to take any additional steps other than to continue to monitor the growth in case changes occur in the future.  

Have the Vet Examine and Biopsy the Growth

If the growth has been growing or just bothers you a great deal (or seems to bother your dog), the next step is to schedule an appointment with your veterinarian. Your veterinarian will first palpate and examine the growth.

This will allow them to measure the size, get a sense of the consistency of the growth, and otherwise determine what is going on. They can then also perform a needle biopsy of the growth.

The veterinarian will examine the cells under a microscope and determine what the growth is made of and whether it is malignant or benign.

Have the Growth Removed

Depending on what the growth is, where it is located, how large it has become, and whether it is malignant or benign, your veterinarian may recommend that the growth be removed. Growth removal is a surgery that will need to be scheduled at a different date (in most cases).

Your dog will be put under general anesthesia for the procedure. Because of this, they may also need bloodwork done prior to the surgery to ensure they are healthy enough to go under the anesthesia and to go through with the surgery.

Now that you know some of the steps you can and should take when your dog has a strange growth on their body, you can be sure that you take the necessary steps to deal with the situation and ensure that your dog is as healthy and safe as possible.

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